Myths and Realities of Change Management

August 12, 2015 Comments Off on Myths and Realities of Change Management

Change management is open to sundry misinterpretations and misconceptions; hence it is important to clarify exactly what it is and what it is not. A study by Accenture (2011) captured

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Benefits of Change Management

March 15, 2015 Comments Off on Benefits of Change Management

Why should anyone bring a change management consultant to actualize a change vision? What benefits could change management initiatives realize? The change manager is an enabler; a catalyst; a facilitator

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Navigating the Changing Terrain of Organisations

February 27, 2015 Comments Off on Navigating the Changing Terrain of Organisations

Here's an excerpt from my upcoming book. Comments and feedback appreciated: Among all human endeavours, wrote German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, change is the only thing that is immortal. A cursory

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