Models can sometimes portray unattainable standards. When your journey doesn’t match the picture-perfect model depicted by conventional society, have the confidence to embrace your reality.

This was one of the key takeaways from the LCIA Power Panel event which I attended on Saturday. At the event, I shared my ”12 step Startup Action Plan” with a roomful of bright young ladies in STEM.

The 12 steps are:

1. Understand entrepreneurship

2. Build your business acumen

3. Create an innovative product

4. Conduct initial market research

5. Size the opportunity

6. Assess the feasibility

7. Create a business plan

8. Your branding strategy

9. Test marketing

10. Build your team

11. Your entrepreneurial strategy

12. Legal incorporation

(To get a full explanation of the 12 steps, download the ”Entrepreneurship Roadmap” from

At the end of my talk, one of the ladies asked a poignant question ”Must these steps be completed in this exact order? What if life happens and you have to skip a few steps?”

My response was ”Have the confidence to embrace your reality” Life doesn’t always follow the model. You may have to learn some things on the way, or you may miss a few crucial steps. That’s okay. Give yourself permission to deviate from the ”model” and find your true North.

On a lighter note, I posted below a polished ”model” shot taken in a studio and an unfiltered ”live” picture taken with a phone. Practicing what I preach by embracing my reality 🙂

Which do you prefer, model or reality?

#entrepreneurship #event #opportunity #society #startup #business

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By Comments off November 30, 2021